This past weekend I attended the second annual Summer Crush Crossfit Games, which is a Crossfit competition second in size to the Crossfit Games Final. I've been doing Crossfit since early February to train for my Everest climb, but this was my first opportunity to really see what these competitions are about and to see some of the top athletes perform. I also got a chance to support the Crossfit box I work out at, Crossfit Vida. We did pretty darn good.
The competition was awesome. It totally inspired me to push myself even harder in everything I do. Some of the things I saw people do were just ridiculous; we're talking some of the fittest people on the planet here, lifting seriously heavy weights, moving their bodies in tiring motions, over and over again - just amazing. What amazed me the most was seeing these super fit guys competing but then seeing some of them look like they were getting completely wrecked by the workout. I just couldn't imagine how hard they must have been working to feel like that. Second amazing thing was watching the women; they kill it just as bad as the guys.
I also got the opportunity to briefly meet this young 13-year old girl named Kate Foster. She's a crossfiter (and gymnast) who made a mind-blowing come back after battling Leukemia. She lost a leg in the process though... Despite that, she still does crossfit, like a badass. I love seeing people succeed after having overcome life-threatening situations. What's more, she's doing things that people told her she would never be able to do again. Please watch the video below to see her contagiously positive attitude towards life. My favorite line is her saying "I'll show you I can." What an inspiration; she totally made my weekend.
I'm itching to do a more extensive blog post about Crossfit for those who aren't convinced or who don't know much about it. It has changed my life and has even improved my memory. More on that later. Pics below: