September is World Alzheimer's Month. Around the world, 35 million people and their families are affected by dementia. Think about that...
Spread the word. Wear purple. Make a donation. Value your own mind and treat it with the respect it deserves.
I'm off this week to do a whirlwind of events. First up, Ecuador to do a few presentations on memory and Alzheimer's prevention. The events are hosted by Novartis, which if you aren't familiar, is the pharmaceutical company that develops the Exelon patch. The Exelon patch is a transdermal patch that is currently the only FDA approved treatment for symptoms of dementia for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. I'll be speaking to the folks at the Novartis HQ, then to students at the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito, and then to the media! It'll be about how to go about improving your memory and the steps you can take to maintain a healthy brain (check out the sweet flyer they made of my face!).
Next, I'll be in New Orleans for the big AARP convention working closely with life'sDHA, a DHA Omega-3 algae supplement company that I work for. That should be fun, as I'll be at their booth doing demos and giving tips on memory every hour on the hour.
After that, possibly LA to tape a show. We'll see if that pans out.....if not, I'll be back in Miami early to start prepping for my TEDx talk the following week. PHEW.
That's all....Oh wait HEY, did you know I'm climbing Everest next March-June? Pleas consider making a donation and support the cause: I WANT TO DONATE!!!