So, about 13 years ago, I started a YouTube Channel. I had just decided I was going to use it as a place to upload videos of me playing some mediocre fingerstyle guitar songs. That’s it.


Then I decided I’d do a few guitar tutorials.

Then I randomly decided to upload about 40 super short videos from a climb I did, with absolutely no context to them. So bad.

Then I found Casey Neistat’s channel in 2015 and said to myself, I’m gonna daily vlog.

I tried. For about a month. While living in NYC. It got me a few more subs but still wasn’t near 1000.

Then I had to make some tutorial videos for a project I was working on. I decided to post those later on YouTube as well. They did well and slowly, I started to get more subscribers.

Then I decided to see what would happen if I kept going. What would happen if I made more regular memory improvement content. Could I become a YouTuber?

I hit 1000 subs. Then 3000. Then 5000. Then 10,000!! I was thrilled.

Then last summer, randomly, a video of mine went instantly viral. Boom, I was at 35,000.


I was getting noticed and started making some collabs, zooming on through 50,000.

More collabs, more momentum, more mentions, more popular videos and damn, suddenly….

….now here I am. 100,000 subscribers!


I’ll be the first to tell you that making videos for YouTube is stressful. It’s hard. But I love it. I love the process. Each video I make is a small piece of me that I get to share with the world and hopefully improve someone’s life with.

I want to thank each and every one of you that clicked that subscribe button and watched my videos. Cheers to you! Onwards to 200,000!
